Other RBJ Services

Lease Clause Analysis

A review of the financial aspects of your lease during negotiations designed to highlight onerous language, unfair calculation methods, or the lack of landlord responsibilities in a lease. Clauses reviewed include base rent escalation language, operating expense pass through language, property tax, proportionate share, base year and expense stops, audit rights, landlord default, etc. Suggested alternative language is provided.

Lease Financial Feasibility Analysis

Calculate the costs of leases including base rent, rent escalations, operating costs, etc. based on lease language, industry and local trends. Preparation of proforma and dynamic cash flow models that incorporate various financial indicators, including after-tax internal rates of returns, net present values, lease versus buy decisions, cash-on-cash ratios, etc. Feasibility determinations are further scrutinized by sensitivity analyses which analyze various assumptions of input variables (i.e. lease rates, term of lease, interest rates, discount rates, debt/equity ratios, etc.). These feasibility analyses are critical to informed decision making.

Lease Management/Property Tax Management

Administer your lease portfolio, including lease abstracting, monitoring renewal, expansion and other timing issues, review lease compliance and financial issues such as expense pass throughs, rent increases, property taxes and special assessments. Where necessary, RBJ will audit questionable past and current expense pass throughs to assure correct billings. RBJ can also manage only the property tax aspects of your leases which would include reviewing all property tax levies whether directly billed to you by County Assessor or billed to you by the landlord. If directly billed or parcelized, RBJ can annually determine whether a tax appeal is warranted and whether assessed values allocated to your direct bill are apportioned correctly.

Space Measurement

RBJ strongly recommends measuring all lease space prior to move in to assure the proper leasable and rentable square footage. These numbers directly affect base rent and pro rata share upon which are based all operating expense pass throughs. However, RBJ provides space measurement at any point in a lease, as well as in conjunction with a lease audit.

Lease Abstracting

Comprehensive lease abstracts including all amendments and letter agreements that affect the original lease to give you easy access to vital terms of the lease including option dates, rent increase dates, pro rata shares, obligation to provide services, etc.

Training and Seminars

Improve your in-house lease administration through training in areas such as lease auditing, must-have and must-avoid lease language, retail leasing, office leasing and other areas of special concern to your firm.