Why Choose RBJ?

Since property taxes are the largest operating expense category, they are one of the most important aspects of the lease audit. RBJ's expertise in property tax apportionment/pass-throughs is unsurpassed among lease audit firms, which allows us to provide a more comprehensive lease audit.
Furthermore, RBJ has acquired and developed a wealth of resources. We use a combination of data bases developed by national firms, local firms, public agencies and by RBJ itself.
Below are some of the resources that we have available to us.
- Operating Expense industry averages compiled by IREM, BOMA, Urban Land Institute and RBJ.
- RBJ subscribes to extensive data bases of Assessor's Parcels directly from the respective public agencies. These databases contain relevant real estate parcel information such as sales price, assessed value, acreage, loan, current owner, past owner, etc.
- RBJ purchases Property Tax Appeal lists from public agencies which show the status of outstanding property tax appeals as well as those that have been finalized.
- Various outside sources such as Co-Star Group, Dataquick and Retail Tenant Directory to determine square footage of office buildings and shopping centers in confirming pro rata shares. These sources also include information such as building owner, tenants within building/center, market value, last construction date, etc.